Arlington Cemetery

Arlington National Cimetery is an important American military cemetery. It is located in Arlington,Virginia. With the military cemetery of Mill Springs, Arlington is the oldest military cemetery of the U.S.A.

Arlington National Cemetery - Section 33 at McClellan Gate - 2011.JPG
Arlington Cimetery

More of 290,000 persons are buried there, veterans of all American wars.

The grave of the Unknown Soldier is one of the most popular cemetery sites. It is a large marble grave which comes from Colorado.

The grave of the Unknown soldiers is part of the amphitheater of Arlington memorial. It’s in this amphitheater that the Memorial Day and the Veteran Day ceremonies are celebrated.

Arlington Amphitheater

President Kennedy’s grave is located in Arlington cemetery like his wife and his children. His brother is buried not far away from them.

Watch this video for a little visit of Arlington Cemetery.

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